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"Anyone can serve .

What is your calling?"


We have a dedicated team of nursery workers responsible for the care of children 2 1/2 and younger during all Sunday services.

Sunday School

We have Sunday School classes available for all ages.  While our adults meet upstairs, we also have classes dedicated to teaching children about the love of Christ.  We currently have classes for the following age groups:


Pre-K: ages 2 1/2 to 4 (must be toilet trained)

Kindergarten: age 5

Primaries: 1st - 3rd grade

Juniors: 4th - 5th grade

Jr./Sr. High: 6th - 12th grade


Our Beginners class consists of our Preschool and Kindergarten age kids and meets during the Church Hour at 11:00 on Sunday mornings.

Junior Church

Junior Church meets during the 11:00 Church Hour on Sunday mornings and focuses on teaching those in 1st through 5th grade.


Our choir meets every Sunday at 5:00 pm to rehearse.  They enjoy preparing music to share with the congregation on Sunday mornings and are currently working on music to celebrate the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. New members are always welcome!

Ladies Bible Study

We have a Ladies Bible Study that meets once a month for learning more about Christ through studying His Word, as well as food and fellowship.

Silver Sippers

This ministry is aimed toward senior adults, but all who are able to attend are welcome.  We meet at the church from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. on the first Thursday of the month for a time of warm Christian fellowship.  Coffee, juice, and snacks are provided.


This new class meets on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. and is geared toward kids in Kindergarten through 6th grade. Focusing on learning about BBFI Missionaries and Missionary kids, this class covers stories of the mission field, mission-related memory verses, ethnic recipes and snack ideas, as well as lesson development activities.  


(1) 620-342-7036


1300 W 12th Ave

Emporia, KS 66801

(Across from Newman Regional Hospital)



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